DEEDS: About

Beginning on July 4th DEEDS : Art as Action launched a multifaceted program intended to activate and inspire all who participate with the underlying call to action of getting out the vote in November.

Get Out And Vote

Get Out And Vote is a campaign featuring eight commissioned artworks on view on the Petaluma Arts Center outer walls beginning August 8th. The goal is to be a creative force in get out the vote mobilizations locally and to impact efforts nationally.

The collection of eight Get Out And Vote artworks created by Alynn + Mags, Maxfiled Bala, Jack Haye, Lukas & Scott Hess, The Kindness Committee founders, Pocho Sanchez, Bud Snow and Kathryn St. Clair is also available on demand as postcards, posters and t-shirts.

The campaign includes local and national voter resources and the Petaluma Arts Center partnering with other local efforts will continue to organize get out the vote mobilizations.

Acting Local

Acting Local is a collection of online exhibitions of artworks and actions produced by local talent in the unprecedented time of sheltering in place social unrest and protest.

Included are the timely Petaluma Arts Center programs Youth Exhibition, Sheltering In Petaluma podcast and the ArtApart community activation.

Uprecendented Times (Sonoma 2020) is an online exhibition that features the compelling and important work of local photographers Erik Castro, Scott Hess and Michael Woolsey.

Talking Fence, inspired by and in support of, the Kindness Committee Black Lives Matter activation at Leghorn Park, is a social sculpture focusing on the importance of voting on the cyclone fence at the Petaluma Arts Center.

All are invited to add their voice to the collective call.

We hope that this series of exhibitions will inspire our community and other communities to get out and vote!

Please support DEEDS: Art as Action and donate today!

Co-Curated by Llisa Demetrios, Cinda Gilliland and Amy Critchett.

Amy Critchett, Cinda Gilliland and Llisa Demetrios